West Seattle High School

West Seattle
High School
Social Studies Department

MLA Works Cited

MLA Works Cited Page

The Works Cited appears on a separate numbered page immediately following the last page of the paper and includes all the words that are cited (quoted or paraphrased) in the paper. The entries are arranged alphabetically by the first letter of the first word to appear in each entry, excluding a, an or the. Reverse indentation (indenting the second line and all others on any given entry) is used. Double space, but do not number the entries on this page. Examples are in blue.

Book by one author:

Last name, First name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Serannne, Ann. Good Food Without Meat. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1983.

Book by two authors:

Last name, First name and first name last name.Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Rock, Marcia and Marlene Sanders.Waiting for Prime Time:The Women of Television News. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1988.

Book by more than two authors:

First author last name, first name and others.Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Nissenson, Allen and others.Clinical Dialysis. Norwalk, Conn: Appleton and Lange, 1999.

A book with an author and an editor:

Last name, first name.Title.Ed. First name Last name. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Gray, Henry.Anatomy of the Human Body. Ed. Charles Mayo Gross. Philadelphia: Lea and Fever, 1966.

A book with an editor only:

Last name, First name, Ed.Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Year.

Toffler, Alvin, Ed.Learning for Tomorrow. New York: Random House, 1974.

For magazine or journal with an author :

Last name, First name. “Article Title.”Magazine or journal title. Day month year of publication: pages.

Fricke, David. “New Age, Old Hat.”Rolling Stone. 18 December 1978: 95-100.

If there is no author, omit and continue with the article title.

For an encyclopedia:

Last name, first name. “Entry Title.”Encyclopedia Title. Edition.

Rose, H.J. “Zeus.”Colliers Encyclopedia.1971 ed.

For a newspaper article:

Last name, First name. “Article Title.”Newspaper Title.  Day Month Year of publication: page: section.

King, John. “White House Uses Dole’s Words Against Him.”Medford Mail Tribune22 June 1993: 1:A. 

1:A is page and section, could also be 10:23 if sections are numbered rather than lettered. If article has no author do the same, except begin with headline.Toffler, Alvin, Ed. Learning for Tomorrow. New York: Random House, 1974.

If you are looking at an article online, do the same, except replace the page numbers with online. Add the date that you accessed it on the end.

For a newspaper editorial:

“Title of editorial.” Editorial.Newspaper Title. Day month year of publication: Page: section.

“New Allegations Hurt Sen. Johnson.” Editorial.Medford Mail Tribune22 June 1993: 8:A.

For an interview:

Name of subject, title of subject. Type of interview. Place of interview. Date of interview.

Smullin, Pasty, President KOBI. Personal interview. Medford Oregon. 3 February 1993.

For a government document:

United States. Name of group/body. Name of document. Place decided, year decided.

United States. Federal Communications Commission. Investigation of the Cable Television Industry. 129th Cong. 1st Sess. H. doc. 451. Washington: GPO, 1993.

For Internet with no author :

“Name of page,”Title of website. Date month year published. Website URL. Day month year accessed.

“Argentina,”1995 CIA Factbook. http://www. wincom.net/. 25 September 2012.

For Internet with author:

Last name, first name. Name of page,”Title of website. Date month year published. Website URL. Day month year accessed.

Williams, Sam. “Argentina,”1995 CIA Factbook. http: // www.wincom.net/. 25 September 2012.

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